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Sound Quality

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
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Detail Sound Quality

For acoustic benchmarking and sound quality assessment, the LMS Test.Lab platform supports sound engineers for objective and subjective evaluation. Psycho-acoustics metrics include loudness, sharpness, roughness and fluctuation strength. Those metrics are complemented with others indexes used for acoustic comfort qualification, such as articulation index or speech interference. In addition, algorithms help detect prominent tones and modulations. Results can be processed in real-time or offline, depending on user requirements and metrics type. In the troubleshooting phase, the LMS Test.Lab Replay & Filter module provides sound engineers with a very powerful filtering-during-replay tool. This tool offers a proven and effective method to immediately and precisely detect annoying sound components. For sound replay in the field, a standard soundcard is sufficient. For listening sessions that require aurally-accurate, i.e. calibrated and equalized sound reproduction, LMS supports specific analogue and digital 3rd party replay hardware. Products of the LMS SCADAS acquisition system family are compatible with any kind of digital or analogue binaural head. For convenient sound quality modeling or fine-tuning at any stage of the product development process, LMS Test.Lab Sound Diagnosis provides a complete, unique and highly interactive environment that helps sound engineers create and quantify the exact sound they are looking for. Engineers can evaluate the human perception of the recorded sound through a large range of global and tracked psycho-acoustic metrics on user-defined segments of the recorded time histories. After spectral analysis, the main origin of the sound characteristics can be diagnosed starting from any type of display. LMS Test.Lab Sound Diagnosis lets users listen to multiple data traces and, at the same time, analyze sounds with real-time filtering and metrics calculation. An unlimited number of filters can be applied interactively. Data from different measurement runs can be organized and combined for batch processing. The selection and processing parameters from any interactive sound diagnosis session can be saved as template procedure to speed-up future analysis. Besides offering increased test efficiency and data consistency, LMS Test.Lab Sound Diagnosis is a reliable tool to evaluate sound quality in relation to other sound and vibration performance attributes by permitting to run multiple sound and vibration measurements, such as spectra, orders, or sound levels, in parallel. It integrates sound quality evaluation into the overall noise and vibration testing processes. Software engineering memiliki misi menyediakan quality engineering software untuk para engineer sehingga mereka dapat lebih produktif dalam pekerjaannya. Kami juga membuatkan aplikasi software engineering yang customized / khusus , dengan harga yang bersaing. Contact us: 0815 614 1954, 0811 891 101, 0817921 7081
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